Episode 3: My Soul Decisions For My Human Adventure

IMAD Episode 3 My Soul Decisions For My Human Adventure
I Make a Difference
Episode 3: My Soul Decisions For My Human Adventure

Your soul made decisions, as to the nature of the human experience you would have in this lifetime. Decisions that would assist your human self on the journey of evolvement to bring your soul and true self fully present and expressed in a human body, where you are fully conscious, seeing and knowing the truth, and are pure.

In this episode, we will explore the key areas your soul made decisions around and why, prior to returning to the human body. Through being aware of the decisions you made, you have an opportunity to embrace every painful, uncomfortable, joyful, and magical experience that you have had and are being offered, as they are gifts in the discovery and reconnection to you. You are able to accept more of who you are and the people and processes that you have chosen to be conditioned and impacted by, emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, and energy-wise. And you are able to appreciate more the people and processes that have shown, shared, and given you love, care, help, friendship, and nurturing. You become aware that every individual you have interacted with, has been valuable in your support of you on your journey to be able to see, feel, hear and uncover more of who you truly are and the expansion of your expression of the true you.   


You will:

  • Explore the six key processes that your soul made choices about for this human experience
  • Delve into the nature of the choices you made and the uniqueness of the process of each choice
  • Grow your understanding of why you chose whom you would journey with and what experiences you would have in this lifetime
  • Explore how you can identify some of the key choices you made as a soul, and the benefits of embracing the choices
I look forward to the adventure with you as we unravel, heal and uncover together to make a difference to who we are

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