Episode 16: Uncovering My Relationship With Vulnerability
Vulnerability – your rawness, being exposed and transparent.
When you truly connect to your vulnerability you connect to a gentle, surrendered, and beautiful part of you. You own and honor your truth, without judgment, with acceptance and love. Yet you and I go through a journey to find that out.
I spent time reflecting on my vulnerability journey, and discovered processes I was not fully aware of or even aware of, that contributed to the depth and breadth of healing that I have done with my vulnerability. And I had not recognized with such clarity before, the two key ways we cope with our vulnerability. And I got to appreciate, even more, the people who were fundamental in creating a space for the healing of my vulnerability to happen. As well as how each one of them came into my life to support me with a different aspect of my vulnerability.
The more aware you are of all elements of your vulnerability, the more you can consciously work with each of the different processes that are involved. And the more you value and appreciate what you experienced and who was part of your vulnerability journey.
You will explore:
- Why and how vulnerability surfaces within you
- What vulnerability is
- The two key fundamental things you look for when you are vulnerable
- The healing of vulnerability
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